Best dental service provider in Nigeria 2022
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Paediatric Dentistry

Services>Paediatric Dentistry

Paediatric Dentistry

Paediatric Dentistry

From infancy to adolescence, a child's dental health should not be neglected or overlooked. The majority of complex dental issues in adults begin in childhood.

Pediatric dentistry is a discipline of dentistry concerned with the examination and management of children's dental health.

Dental operations are often seen as daunting and uncomfortable experiences that most would wish to avoid,

especially among children. However, it is crucial that children have their milk teeth evaluated routinely by pediatric dentists for evidence of caries and dental damage.

Exclusive Smile Clinic has one of the top pediatric surgeries for your children's dental difficulties.

Doctor in charge

Dr. Nelson Aburime

Frequently Asked Questions

HMOs we cover

Book a consultation today to start your journey to a perfect healthy dentition